
The localisation of software and the design of the user interface are sister projects in an international environment. Next to the pure translation of content, local requirements on the software need to be taken into account. We'd be happy to also undertake the translation and localisation of your software for you.
Starting point
You want to conquer new markets and are seeking a competent and reliable partner for the translation and localisation of your software.
Our services
Localisation is more than simply translation. Over and above an extensive knowledge of local peculiarities, it also calls for the technical know-how on how to implement the software. The focus of our services naturally lies in a translation of the software from English to German. By partnering up with native speaker translators and adding our technical know-how, we can gladly also take on the localisation into other languages for you.
Your benefit
With a perfect translation and an optimised adaptation to local circumstances, you are well equipped to unlock the door to the largest market in Europe: the German-speaking countries. It's a fact that despite globalisation, users prefer software in their own mother tongue.