
All departments involved in product development leave their mark on the user interface of the product. These are the product management department, the marketing department, research and development, quality assurance as well as service and support. With their expert know-how, they all contribute to the improvement of the product.
Starting point
You want to provide your employees with essential knowledge about user guidance so that they can cater to all user demands in their daily work during product development.
Our services
We prepare a customised, individual training for you around the topics of software-ergonomics, user interface design and the corresponding software development technologies. Along with theoretical fundamentals – such as cognition, standards, laws, analysis methods – practical aspects will round off the program. The training can take place either on-site at your company or at another location.
Your benefit
Your employees will receive solid knowledge and a firm grounding in all aspects of software ergonomics in the product development process. This pre-empts changes at later project stages. Even for usability the dictum holds: The later corrections are done, the more expensive they are.